About Keri

I LOVE my job! I love the fact that I get to meet amazing people and share their special memories and events with them. My clients become my friends! What more could I ask for?

I have two beautiful little girls and an amazing husband. I feel very lucky that Adam and I get to work together--and we ENJOY it!

Our goal is to capture beautiful images that tell a story for you to cherish.

The highest compliment that anyone can pay to me is a referral to a friend. If you like what you see...pass my name along!

Thanks for taking time to check out my work!



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Scott & Kara Photobooth


I'm looking forward to the Bridal Fair this weekend at Seven Feathers! 
Sunday, 1/29/12 from 10am-5pm
See you there!!!

Lindsey & Kalvin, Wedding



Folsom Family


What an amazing family.
They have been stretched and tested beyond their wildest dreams and yet they stay strong.
Sweet little Kailani is home with mom and dad now, and sweet little Aolani has returned home to heaven.
You are an inspiration to so many.

New Logo

I'm baaaaack!!!! 

I have been so busy that I haven't had time to keep up with my blog!  The biggest development over the last 6 weeks is that my new logo is complete!  Yay!!!!!!  A special thank you to Angela with Polish Logo Design for all of her hard work and creativity!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!  I love my new logo!!!  I'll be making the switch to my new logo on my website and blog over the next few weeks...as soon as the senior picture ordering rush is over. :)

Allahna, Class of 2011


Allahna is just as sweet as she is beautiful! 
It was a pleasure getting to know her during her session!
PS-I wish I had her hair!!!!

Keri: Do you play any sports?

Allahna: Yes, I play Volleyball and Basketball.  I have played for 6 years.

Keri: What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?

Allahna: I like to be lazy on the weekends--to make up for all my hard work during the week!  :)


Keri: What do you plan to do after high school?

Allahna: I want to play volleyball at Umpqua Community College!

Keri: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Allahna: A social worker.

Keri: Ok, let's hear a few of your fav's... Favorite food?

Allahna: Breadsticks from Little Caesars!

Keri: Wow, that was fast!  There was no question about that one! Great choice, too!

Keri: Favorite color?

Allahna: Yellow!

Keri: Favorite music?

Allahna: Jack Johnson!



Welcome, Little Ayden!
It has been such a pleasure getting to know Ayden and his parents!
He was a month old when he came in for his session--and I wasn't sure if we'd get him to sleep or not.
What a sweet little boy!  I didn't need to worry at all.
 I can't wait to see how he grows and changes over the year!
Thank you for trusting me with such an important time in Ayden's life!

Keri: What is the best part of being a mom and dad?

J & S: The best part about being a parent is looking at our son and seeing little parts of us. As you look at him, you think, he has mom's eyes and dad's ears! It's amazing, we actually created a person!!!

Keri: What is your favorite activity with Ayden?

Jenna: My favorite activity is to sleep with him in my arms. Snuggling with him and breathing him in--his scent is intoxicating!!! Dad's favorite activity is to have Ayden in his swing or vibrating chair while he walks back and forth in front of him. Ayden just stares and follows him with his eyes. Dad loves it!!

Keri: What is something you were not expecting about being a parent??

Jenna: We were not expecting to feel so differently--we didn't even know it was possible to love something so much!!! As the mom, I worry all the time over things I can't control. The idea of leaving him to go back to work or school actually makes sick to my stomach!

Keri: What will you miss about the infant stage?

Jenna: We will both miss holding him all the time and having him sleep in our arms!

Keri: What stages are you looking forward to?

Jenna: I am looking forward to the crawling, cooing, giggling,laughing and the smiles!!!

Shane: I am looking forward to coming home from work and having my son get all excited to see me!

Jenna: We are both looking forward to watching our son's personality grow and develop!!!

Harker Family Photo Booth


Introducing Photo Booth for Families!!!

Three words for you:

Starring the Harker Family...

(Just a note- you may want to press play and then pause the show
for a little while to let it load completely for seamless viewing.)

Featured Wedding!!!


I am so excited to announce that I am currently being featured as one of 4 (yes, only 4!!!) wedding photographers in the annual edition of Eugene Weddings Magazine!  This is such an honor for me!!!  My wedding being featured is of Romina de los Santos and Mark Poole--two of the most amazing people I know.  I am thrilled to death that their wedding is being honored this way.  I am absolutely ecstatic with the quality of the publication.  The color calibration and quality of the printing is spot on. 
I couldn't be happier!
Pinch me!

The next two images are from a commercial session I did in conjunction with Flyboy Natural Petals and Hakuna Matata Hot Air Balloons.  Although these images were accidentally miscredited in the magazine, I know they are mine--and now you do to!  :)

Romina and Mark, Blue Fusion


Savannah, Class of 2011

Keri: What do you like to do in your free time?

Savannah: I like to hang out with my friends.  I also like to ride my quad-especially at the dunes.

K: Tell me something about yourself that I wouldn't know.

S: I have lived in California, Connecticut (my favorite place) and here.

K: What do you want to be when you grow up?

S: I either want to be a chemist or an astrobiologist.  I'm not sure yet.  I'm a science nerd.

K: A science nerd?  Well, you're breaking some stereotypes, aren't you?!  You are a cheerleader, too!

S: When I was a Freshman I tried out for the DHS Cheerleading Squad.  I made the JV squad.  Then, my sophomore year, I switched to Varsity! I have been on Varsity ever since.

K: So, back to your future...  Where do you want to work eventually?  What would be your dream job?

S: I either want to work for NASA, a University, or JPL (jet propulsion laboratory).

K: Wow!  Way to go!  One last question.  Who is your hero?

S: I don't really look up to anybody.  I guess because I want to be my own person and not be a twin of somebody else.

K: Fair enough!

Brooke and Jonathan


Brooke and Jonathan are such a sweet couple! 
They couldn't have been more lucky with the weather on their December wedding day! 
We had just enough of a break in the weather to run outside after the
ceremony and capture some portraits of just the two of them.

Some fun details about their wedding:

They had an ice cream sundae bar instead of cake!  I LOVED this idea!!!

What else?  Two words: PHOTO BOOTH
Their guests were awesome with the photo booth!!!!  Check out the slideshow in my previous posting to see them rocking the props!!!  Brooke and Jonathan chose to use their photo booth as a digital guest book, so they made sure to have each of their guests be represented in the photo booth.
It was so much fun!!!

Thanks for trusting us with your most important day.  You guys are awesome!!!!


Brooke & Jonathan, Wedding Photo Booth


Connor & Ashlyn


Welcome little Connor and Ashlyn! 
I am especially proud to introduce my new little niece and nephew!  I had a wonderful time meeting them last month.  They weighed only 3.5 & 4.5 pounds when they were born, so at 5 weeks old they were still only in the 4 & 5 pound range!  So tiny!!!!  I get to see them in just a couple of days and I can't wait to hold them and to see how much they have changed!


I am happy to announce the arrival of my "Blue Fusion" packages!

What is Fusion Photography???

Fusion is a cutting edge genre of photography that combines video footage with traditional still portraiture to create a beautiful, new form of art. Very few photographers are offering Fusion Photography at this time. I am thrilled to announce that Blue Fusion has arrived! I will now be offering Blue Fusion as an add on to all of my regular sessions. Be sure to ask me for details when you call the studio!

To see a sample of Blue Fusion, watch the demo below. (Note- If you have high speed internet, be sure to click the red "HQ" button on the media player to watch in higher quality.)