How am I supposed to choose "a few" favorites for my blog when there are sooooooo many that I LOVE??!! We did an extended session for Kaci's maternity portraits. We started outside by the creek where we took some classic, traditional portraits, and then we moved to an indoor session that was modern and edgy. Which are my favorites??? I LOVE them all!!!
-Keri: What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?
Kaci: Feeling him move inside of me and knowing that there is a life growing inside of my body that we created together.
-Keri: What is your least favorite thing about being pregnant?
Kaci: The heartburn!!!
Keri: Has there been anything about your pregnancy that was a surprise to you?
Kaci: I will be on bed rest for 27 weeks by the time he comes.
-Keri: Any cravings?
Kaci: I've eaten a lot of Pickles.
-Keri: What are your greatest hopes for your baby?
Kaci: Daddy is hoping for a hunting partner. ;)
We want him to be happy and know that we'll always love him no matter what.
-Keri: Who will change the most diapers, Mommy or Daddy?
-Kaci: Daddy will,
-Keri: Who will get up with him the most at night?
Kaci: I will.
-Keri: What has been the coolest experience during the pregnancy?
Kaci: It was amazing to see the ultrasound pictures and to hear his heartbeat.
The 3-D ultrasound was incredible!
Keri: What do you look forward to doing with Baby Hunter the most?
Kaci: Showing him off to everybody!